Off the top of my head, these things are burning the biggest holes in the pocket of my soul.
1. Kimono Shawl, a ufo
2. Green & Turquoise Big Sweater3. The Idena Big Sport Cotton yarn in orchid. Yessir, yessir, 2 bags full
4. The original batch of Due Chine
5. Niko's sweater from 2005--knit, frog, or get off the pot!
As for the other 7, there are sooo many choices and I have some other notions, but I have to think on them awhile. I don't want to be too hasty and make committments to deal with things of which I won't. Trying to find the balance between realistic and inspiring action.
If I had ever figured out how the hell to put a button on the sidebar, I'd put the Mission Possible one there. For members of Ravelry, here's a link to the group: Mission Possible Group.