Friday, November 02, 2007

Pity the Fool!

Because I have had a really, really, really, really bad stomach ache for a week. I believe that most of the people at work think I am malingering. I feel very sorry for myself and would like even more pity. Just for fun, here is a picture of King Tut. OK, thanks.
P.S. I went to the doc. Tests are pending.


Batty said...

Oh no, I hope you feel better soon!

Elizabeth said...

I'm glad you added the post script, so I don't have to tell you to go.

errs said...

Hope everything turns out okay...

Though I don't get the picture of king tut...

Sue, aka seiding said...

Aw, crap. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope it goes away soon!

Anonymous said...

So sorry you're feeling ill. I imagine that a suggestion to knit King Tut using intarsia would not make you feel better.

Kristina B said...

Cool photo of Tut! Maybe I'll make a mosaic and send it to you as a get well present... I still have some gold mirror glass.. hmm.